Professional Home Staging Calgary for your most important Investment

Home stagers used to be reserved for mansions and million dollar homes. Not any more. They are becoming an accepted cost to making your home the best it can be in the highly competitive market of home sales. Professionally staged homes reportedly sell for 30 percents more and in half the time of non-staged homes.

Most important job of a home stager is to turn your home from a collection of memories and life well lived, to a market product. This process, which we realistically know is necessary, is very difficult for homeowners to accept. Our homes are full of signs of life lived in it: kids’ drawings, posters from favorite movies, dog’s favorite sofa, red walls in daughter’s room. All those things can go with us; what stays behind is a house that will soon become someone else’s.

Home stagers need to make your home attractive to as large number of customers as possible. That means neutralizing it and making it possible for total strangers to imagine themselves in it. No, not your home any more. The quicker you accept that, the less painful the transition will be and the quicker your home will sell.

House stagers also know the latest trends, what majority of new home buyers come to expect. You might have happily lived with your 50’s kitchen, but buyers expect stainless steel.  You spent fortune collecting pieces for your collection of art deco furniture. But, it is not everyone’s cup of tea, so it has to go.

People who are buying home are also buying a certain style of living. Home stagers have to make your home the best it can be.  We are not always aware of certain features of our homes, and did not have to make them a focus for the outsiders. Professional home stagers have an objective eye for the best your home has to offer. They know the architecture periods, furniture styles, and the staging often means adding new furniture, changing fixtures, painting walls so that the architecture of our home stands out surrounded with things that match the period or style.

One of the most painful things about selling a home is the fact that we have to suspend out lives for the duration, and to keep our homes practically unlivable, cleaned to perfection, until it sells. Professional home staging promise to shorten this period by half and the results show that they do keep that promise.

The prices of home staging are not unreasonable and it can be considered an investment. For an evaluation visit, the cost range between $100 and $200. You can opt to take their advice and do the job yourself, or you can continue using their service. That would mean additional costs, which depend on the changes you accept, the costs of other service providers like plumbers and electricians, and the furniture and appliances you accept to purchase.

For more details on a professional home staging, check the Unique Home Staging and their extensive gallery of staged homes at Calgary Home Staging site
